How to design a poor system
1 min readJun 3, 2024
There could be multiple ways to achieve this
- start development and define specs later
- be inconsistent with database schema design
- have complex initialization program
- unable to test individual component
- be in hurry to complete a task without knowing this consequences
- miss deleted_at column in db and use hard delete instead
- do not optimize read and write
- between services , use synchronous calls using http and wait for response to come. so fastest http client could not help
- do not show interest in adoptation of best practices, instead go for quick temporaru solution without making full plan
- go for product and services launches without doing basis minimum optimization
- Very complex initialization chain with complex dependencies which can be initialized quickly
If you make your services hell, then other will have chance to grow using your mistake.
There are 1000’s of bad practice and we can not eliminate. This is better to be aligned on day 1. Once you start development with good plan and have flexibility , it will be automatically adjusted to upcoming need.
Example of bad practices and resolution with better one will be continued .